What is the difference between dry skin and moisture deficient skin?

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In winter, when the temperature is low and the air is dry, the skin tends to lose moisture through natural evaporation and exhalation. But did you know that there is a difference between dry skin and skin that lacks moisture? In the case of adults, about 65% of our body weight is made up of water, and it is necessary to replenish water both inside and outside the body in order to survive. The skin also plays a role in storing water and exchanging water with the outside environment, which affects the other organs of the body. When the body is dehydrated, it not only causes thirst and dry mouth, but also headaches, fatigue, and skin symptoms.

What is the difference between dry skin and moisture deficient skin?

Dry skin is one of the same skin types as oily, normal, and combination skin, and is a specific skin type that lacks both water and oil. Moisture deficient skin, on the other hand, is a temporary condition in which the epidermis is altered due to lack of moisture. When the epidermis is moisture deficient, the skin's barrier function is hindered, which can cause discomfort such as itching and flakiness. Chronic dry skin, on the other hand, is distinguished from temporary moisture deficient skin by its lack of oil as well as moisture, and its long-lasting symptoms. Dry skin can be good or bad depending on the season, weather, skin care regimen, and internal and external conditions of the body.

Under-hydrated skin can also be improved by hydration through drinking water. If you are in a hot room, moisture will evaporate from your skin, so try to maintain proper indoor humidity to avoid skin moisture deficiency. The skin will continue to feel tight and lack luster and smoothness when there is a lack of moisture, but this is a temporary condition and is not the same as chronic dry skin. This is a temporary condition and is not the same as chronic dry skin. Even if you have oily skin, you may have moisture deficient skin.

Dry skin is characterized by redness, burning, and roughness due to inflammation, similar to skin problems caused by sun exposure. Smoking, excessive alcohol or caffeine intake, and excessive salt intake can all also cause dry skin. Another cause is the use of skin care products that contain a lot of irritating ingredients.

How to keep your skin hydrated?

Hydrate your body both inside and outside. Choose properly what you take into your body and do not skimp on your morning and evening skin care. Supplement your skin with moisturizing ingredients such as aloe vera, and choose cleansing and skin care products that do not irritate your skin. Also, if your skin is severely dry, consider using a humidifier.

Keeping your body well hydrated both inside and out is the key to keeping your skin looking healthy and youthful. Keep your skin glowing with daily skin care and a healthy diet. Remember, healthy skin is always the most beautiful!